Anyways, enough of that...Let's continue with my update of the layout.
We left off with viewing the shops at Kelowna. Here is another look. The CN is currently represented with an ex-NAR SD38-2 and a venerable GP9. One gets a good look at the elevated thru staging yard at Kalamalka. Soon there will be a SD40-2w patrolling the KW line, from Kamloops as well...

Kootenay Western has acquired 2 ex-ATSF F45's for service between Kelowna and Fort Steele on Jack Slimmon's Kootenay Southern. As you can see, these units are due for a trip to the paint shop. The new scheme will be very similar to the mechanical reefer behind the trailing unit and the caboose at Kalamalka.
Eventually, Kalamalka will be partially hidden by a view block, depicting Kelowna's skyline.

The two photos above show recent work at the Winfield turnback loop. The two industries on the switchback spur ("Pasture Prime Meats" and "Ashland Chemicals") will be interesting to work, given that cars spotted to the Hiram Walker distillery would have to be moved out of the way beforehand. One can see the backdrop has been started. I was using the scrap piece of foamcore board for my pallette, and I've kept it in order to match colors for the trees.
The white styro board is temporary, and will be replaced with the distillery and some of downtown Winfield.

Two more shots of Winfield loop, showing the progress on the scenery to date. This is aluminum 1" chicken wire. I thought I would try it and it seems to work great guns so far. Very good at holding its shape. Figured this would be a good place for a campground - right next to the tracks! There will be a small ranch or farm on the hill, named after Old Man Murphy - and individual I have had the misfortune of meeting from time to time!

A closer look at my backdrop painting. In the second photo, I'm not certain about the uniform slope to the left. I might alter that. Hoping the grove of evergreens on the scenery blends OK with those on the backdrop. I'm quite pleased with how the distant mountains came out on the upper right.
Well, that's it for this time. Keep posted for future updates!