The wife (Gail) and I took a trip out to Ontario to go visit with friends and family. We flew from Edmonton to Ottawa on the 13th of May. That's me with the hat, notice the Oilers pin on the hat...
Met up with Chris Lyon (on the left in the photo) the next day to go see some of the finest model railroad layouts in the Greater Ottawa vicinity. Viewed 3 great layouts (sorry, no still shots...Gail had the digital camera as she toured Ottawa with an old neighbor and Chris's wife Lela), then went to Chris's to try my hand with switching out the 2 coal mines on his layout.

A couple of shots from Mike's layout...notice yours truly looking on

The photo I like is taken from the perspective of the cyclist as he (or she) approaches a level crossing. The B&M passenger train is blasting through the

The local switcher is tucked away in'the hole' as the hotshot freight approaches North Dover station. By the looks of the station platform, the varnish can't be too far behind the freight...

All Aboard!!

We had a 2-hour layover in downtown Toronto. The main hallway in VIA's Union Station left one with a surreal feeling...like being in a cathedral, perhaps. Just imagine the numbers of passengers using this facility throughout the years...

Chatham VIA station in the evening. We had a good time here, checking out Gail's childhood haunts and getting reaquainted with some of her old friends and aquiantances...

This is the Chatham Railway Museum, which is actually ony 2 blocks from Gail's childhood home. Located inside an old CN smoothside streamline baggage car, in the green / gold paint scheme.

Another shot inside the museum. A model representation of the passenger trains that travelled through Chatham...

We departed Chatham the next day on VIA 72 for London to meet with some more friends and pick up our rental car. Not many photos, which is part to do with allof the video we shot. At or near Komoka (5 miles west of London), we were delayed for over 2 hours when a stack train ahead of us struck a pedestrian trespasser at 60+ MPH. Needless to say, this person was instantly killed. We did not leave London until quite late in the afternoon, arriving at our friend's farm near Bailieboro about 10:30 that night. A long rainy day, to say the least...

The birthday boy...dunno, I don't think he looks a day over 38...Must have been tough to find a bartender that night...

Ken's wife Lorie must have been really tired when we took this shot. Maybe she's just conserving energy...who knows? The whole weekend was quite cool, as evidenced by the touque...

Off we go to Niagara Falls for 4 days. We finally got some lovely weather and decided to take the helicopter tour above the Falls. Gail took this spectacular shot of Horseshoe (Canadian) Falls. After this, we visited Gail's cousins (which she had not seen for 40 years) in Welland, then drove to London. We spent a day and a half around London bfore flying home last Tuesday.

But before we left, we managed to run into a couple of famous people...Who said 'Bogey" was dead. We had seen him in Niagara-on-the-Lake! I taught Tiger everything he knows...LOL!

Tribal-class destroyer HMCS Haida display at Hamilton Harbour. I had the see this grand old lady while we were in the vicinity...Canada's most famous warship during the 2nd World War.
Well, that's it for this edition. Hope you enjoyed the photos!
1 comment:
Hi Ken!
Hey, it was great having you come over to visit my version of the B&M here in Ottawa! Yuppers, we had a great time that evening. I think Chris was singing Gordon Lightfoot's "Canadian Railroad Trilogy"...or maybe Arlo Guthrie's "City of New Orleans".
Judging by your other pics, the rest of the trip was a blast too! Glad to see you made it home safe and sound.
Your good friend,
Mike (B&M) Hamer
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